The ability to customize the platform according to the specific needs of the organization is truly impressive.
Bia Mello
Chief Happiness Officer at Conservação Internacional (CI-Brazil)
Get all your questions answered and enjoy a 15-day free trial to see why 72% of our clients chose us as the most complete and easy-to-use tool.
reduction in manual HR tasks.
overall rating on Capterra
The team behind Bizneo is exceptional, always ready to assist and improve. It’s easy to master the tool in no time.
Rafael Juan Beaus
Talent Manager at Globalia (Air Europa)
The platform is excellent, constantly evolving, and they truly listen to our suggestions for new features.
Fabiana Todeschini
Head of People at
The Coffee
extra productivity for team managers and +1% for employees thanks to self-service.
satisfaction from executives thanks to People Analytics.
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